Friday, July 4, 2008

Don't break your shoes - tread carefully

Just across my office window sits an old shoe repair guy. He sits in a cocoon of plastic, away from the rains and general hullabaloo. His cobble-ering tools are kept locked neatly in a wooden cupboard.

His interest is not in repairing shoes. He hates people who need their shoes repaired. They distract him from his primary activity of people watching. He frowns and declares that most things taken to him cannot be repaired and ought to be thrown away.

Then he gets back to people watching. There are enough exciting things going on in this street after all.
- A crow gets caught in a building and an ambulance is called.

- There are regular processions of Jains, Monks,Eunuchs, Teachers, Papad eaters, Weekend cricket association and Feminist movement associations and so on.

- There are violently fighting motorists who can't wait to get down and beat up the opposition for the merest scratch on their treasured vehicle.

- There are cinema actresses swishing past and gym-goers hobbling away...

What a treasure trove of humanity to study! The cobbler is definitely trying to complete a thesis on what he sees. Please don't break your shoes, watch where you put your foot in the rainy season. He will get disturbed.

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