Food bazaar has a concept called Wednesday bazaar. Wednesdays were apparently dull days there till this concept came along. Now there is nothing dull about being a mid-week shopper. The trolley traffic inside food bazaar is more than traffic on the roads on a Sunday evening. Ladies of all sizes and shapes and vocational pursuits pursue that 'best' buy and discounted items.
Potatoes and onions are made shamelessly available at 'Baap ke zamaane ka daam'. The 'buy one get one free', buy X and get Y free is so attractive that most people buy things they just don't need. Liquid handwash, turkey towels and other such usless items have become a staple at home because of these fabulous deals. In fact my mom-in-law flat out refuses to buy washing powder without getting the '1 bucket' free. The population of buckets in my home is more than stray dogs in Mumbai and then some.
This habit for shopping for discounts has extended to other shops as well. Now, I can't buy my son a toy in the toy shop without asking for discount. Food Bazzar has conditioned me to become ' Discount- minded'. My servant too needs to do atleast 1 additional free task a week. On the net, emails and softwares need to be free. Otherwise I don't download them.
People already consider movies to be available at discounted rates and hence buy 4 movies in a pirated DVD or books at quarter price on the roadsides!
Given this frenzy and mania for discount deals, maternity hospitals have begun to be deluged with parents asking for 1 kid free. People want left kidney operation for free along with the right kidney operation. Dentists are forced to pull out an extra tooth for free. Flights are already working with 50% off on seat sizes. Things are going to only get better from here on.
P.S. Just to keep you all discount-minded readers out there happy - here is the good news...
This blog post is absolutely free for all those who have read all the other posts.
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